Channel: Fox 26 Houston
Aired On: March 16th, 2019
Dr. Sami was featured on Fox 26 News Houston KRIV NBC with Deneige Broom (Anchor – Fox 26 News Houston) discussing “Skin cancer awareness among men” – Aired March 16th, 2019 FOX 26 Houston KRIV Fox26, 4261 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77027.
Sun exposure is the main source of UV rays which too much UV exposure adds up over time and it can lead to risk of developing skin cancer. Men especially are more likely than women to get skin cancer due to higher exposure outdoors and less protective measures over their lifetimes.
Men spend a lot of time engaging in outdoor activities, especially around this time of year! Dr. Mirwat Sami states, “men typically spend 10 hours more in the sun than women do in a week”. Certain areas like the top of their heads or their back is a common area that men tend to get skin cancer due to less hair on that area and not having a shirt on when being outdoors. Men tend to ignore certain nodules or ulcers and that is one of the factors to late diagnosis of detection of skin cancer in men. Female partners play a big role when it comes to raising skin cancer awareness by encouraging yearly skin checks and helping with self skin examination checks.
As an oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Mirwat Sami is seeing more men with eyelid skin cancer than women. Unknown to many, eyelid skin cancer accounts for up to 10% of all skin cancers. Women tend to do closer skin checks and are a little bit more attentive to the texture and tone of their skin. Men might be more inclined to ignore matters of dermatological health or skin care.
Becoming educated on skin cancer prevention can encourage more sun safety such as putting on sunscreen, wearing hats, and using sunglasses. If you notice a spot that is concerning, do not ignore it and get it checked. Protection at all times is key!
If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sami, please do not hesitate to contact us at 713-668-1264 so we can help enhance your life.